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6 Tips For A Smooth Transition Back to School

It is hard to believe that the end of summer is around the corner, and soon kids will be in full school mode.  The shift from vacation to back to school can be stressful for some children.  Your child may be anxious about having a new teacher, different classmates, a new schedule, and the like.  Those things can be overwhelming.  Stay ahead of the curveball by plotting each step to ensure that all items on your checklist are covered.  The wheels on the bus go round and round, but you don’t have to spin out of control.  Here are tips for a smooth transition back to school.

Tip 1:  Gradually place your kids back on their regular bedtime schedule.

During the summer, kids tend to stretch the limits and go with the flow.  Because their parents let them sleep in and stay up late, their bodies have adjusted to the freedom of no particular schedule.  That is why it is imperative to tackle this area first.  Getting the kids back on a regular bedtime schedule will reverse their body clocks, and fix them on what they’re accustomed to during most of the year.  By the time school starts they will be trained to handle the morning and nighttime routines.

Tip 2:  Make sure all summer assignments have been completed.

Everyone wants to have a productive, prosperous, and peaceful school year.  The bummer is when you start off on the wrong foot.  Be sure your kids have finished all summer assignments like reading or math.  Don’t take their word for it.  Sometimes kids beat around the bush to keep from having to get the job done.  Go over everything to ensure it’s a wrap!

Tip 3:  Get needed supplies in a timely fashion.

Once you have the school supply list, make haste to pick up what is needed.  Remember your kids are not the only students shopping for school supplies.  Get to the stores while supplies last.  Moreover, if any of the items are out of stock, shopping early will give you ample time to check other sources to find what you need.  If the budget is tight, don’t be ashamed to check for back-to-school giveaways from community organizations like charities or retailers.  They are happy to donate school items to those who need them and generally have a large quantity on hand.

Tip 4:  Check to see if any friends have the same class assignment.

Encourage your kids to reach out to their classmates to see if they have the same class assignment.  This may bring comfort to your child knowing that some familiar faces will be sharing the limelight with them for the new school year.  Also, it is an opportunity to review instructions from their teacher, the supply list, required books, and other materials needed.

Tip 5:  Head to the mall for clothes, shoes, and accessories.

Allowing your children to pick out their back to school outfits generally gets a thumbs-up from them.  They want their first-day swag to be on fleek, since they haven’t seen their friends all summer, the first day of school is their time to shine.  Let them put it together so that the energy will keep them excited as they patiently await the moment to rock their new look.

Tip 6:  Say good-bye to summer with a back to school bash.

Why not throw a party to end the summer break officially?  Toss some burgers on the grill, and invite friends and classmates to celebrate the start of a great school year.  This bold move will cause the kids to turn the page, leaving the lazy days of summer behind.

Lastly, wouldn’t it be great if summer never ended?  Your kids could eat all the food in the pantry, play video games from sun up to sundown, giggle and laugh as they watch their Instagram celebrity friends, and drip water through the house from the pool.  I’m kidding, but not funny right?  I read a meme that said, “You know it’s time to go back to school when you hear parents singing “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”  Surely, these tips will help your children have a successful school year because a good start is a way to an excellent finish.

Marnita Coleman is an author and radio host of The Marnita Show, a parenting radio broadcast.  Contact her via

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